This white paper reviews the results from the 2012 Australia Facilities Management Software Survey, undertaken by the Facility Management Association of Australia (FMA Australia) in association with Service Works. The survey follows a similar format to an exercise conducted in the UK and provides some excellent insight into how the two markets compare.
In the first survey of its kind in Australia, facilities professionals across Australia’s private, public and not-for-profit sectors provide insight into their organisation’s use of facilities management software, the key benefits and how Facilities and CMMS software fits into their wider FM and business strategy.
Findings include:
- The use of FM software in Australia is still in its infancy, with half of businesses having purchased their system within the past five years ago. 41% of respondents indicated it was the first such software application their organisation had purchased
- FM software is now frequently linked to other systems, most notably finance, health & safety and building management systems (BMS)
- FM software has made the provision of services more efficient for 82% of organisations
- 78% of respondents stated that FM software provided better auditability
This white paper details the results from the survey, identifies industry trends and enables readers to draw conclusions about the role and value of software in facilities management.
For your complimentary copy of the white paper, please click here.