Following the enforced lockdown that has prevented the population from leaving their homes for all but essential travel and shopping, the government has seen a sufficient reduction in COVID-19 infections to lighten these measures. Workplaces are now preparing for the return of employees, with social distancing being of paramount concern to prevent a second peak of the disease. It’s the responsibility of the facilities teams and HR to ensure employees and visitors feel comfortable and safe in the workplace.
Service Works Global, a leading provider of facilities and workplace management software for over 25 years, has developed three new products to help FM teams safely manage their facilities through the effects of COVID-19 and beyond.
Respond rapidly to changing requirements
QFM Return2Work, one of the new products, is a space and desk management solution for the safe return of employees and visitors to the workplace. It enables organisations to adapt and relax internal distancing measures as appropriate through to a normal functioning office. And, as Return2Work is a hosted, web-based SaaS solution, organizations can rapidly implement the software and use it to plan for and manage an effective ‘return to work’. The software can be used as a plug and play, standalone application for businesses, irrespective of whether they have a IWMS system or not.
Create and evaluate layouts
Instead of having to physically visit each work area and manually calculate which desks or stations fall foul of the 2 meter social distance guidelines, Return2Work manages the whole process. Graphical floorplans allow FMs to see ‘at risk’ areas as coloured overlaps which show the number of times a desk or person would be in breach of social distancing guidelines. New layouts can then be designed and evaluated (either manually or automatically created by the software) to effortlessly find the best solution for each area.
The software also assists in managing the safe movement of employees throughout the workplace, helping management of walkway, corridor and common area usage. Heatmaps highlight high footfall, showing thoroughfares which encroach on desk and work spaces. From this, strategic decisions can be made on how to safely route employees through the workspace.
Manage assets
For those without IWMS systems, Return2Work features basic space and asset management capabilities to provide an increased focus on toilets, kitchens, hygiene areas, hand sanitizing stations and communal space. This ensures a record is available of assets and their locations for planning and regulatory purposes.
QFM Return2Work is a low cost, easy to implement, standalone solution, suitable for any size organization. For more information or to arrange a demo, call +1 905 332 2335 or email
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