According to a UN report, Canada is failing to meet its targets on reducing greenhouse gas emissions in line with the Paris Agreement, but businesses can show leadership in taking a proactive approach to evaluating and understanding their own emissions. This responsibility of forming strategies and reducing consumption is falling to the facility management team to form strategies whilst maintaining high levels of service provision and workplace productivity.
Over two thirds of FMs are now using IWMS (integrated workplace management system), according to research by Service Works Global, and this powerful technology is providing the ability to control and understand buildings and assets like never before.
Combined with smart technology, IWMS gives an unprecedented level of data and automation which is essential in this fight against waste. Sensors placed around buildings can detect occupation and identify activity patterns allowing lighting, air conditioning or even cleaning to specific areas to be reduced. Or, using more widespread applications, CMMS can be integrated with BMS and a room booking system, enabling meeting rooms and offices to be powered only when in use. In this way responsibility for managing resources can be shared between the FM team and the building users, increasing efficiency and savings.
Effective asset management is also a key area of focus when looking at sustainability. IWMS software, such as QFM, can be used to calculate the most effective scheduling for maintaining an asset, reducing unnecessary servicing, unscheduled call outs and keeping energy costs low.
The software can also be used to monitor energy use and costs, helping to identify where the greatest costs lie to inform new strategies. Across large organizations small inefficiencies can converge into substantial performance issues, damaging the environment as well as reducing productivity across the organization. Even small changes such as switching to LED lightbulbs have played a substantial part in reducing energy demand, consuming 80% less energy than traditional incandescent bulbs and have a lifespan around ten times longer – meaning less maintenance resource is required in addition to the energy savings generated.
For more information on how Service Works Global’s IWMS software, QFM, can help make your organization greener and more sustainable, please contact us.
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