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Webinar Review - SWG and BIFM selecting FM software

26% of facilities managers are still using Excel to manage their assets, maintenance and resources, according to a poll at our webinar, run in partnership with the British Institute for Facilities Management (BIFM) last week.

This year in particular has seen rapid technological advancement and growing performance expectations for facilities teams, so a system more advanced than paper or Excel is essential. The recent webinar in the series of Good Practice Guide Events, titled ‘Selecting FM Software’, aimed to inform viewers of the benefits computer aided facilities management (CAFM) can bring, as well as to clarify the selection process to make implementation as easy as possible.

CAFM experts Penny Brinsley and Mike Risley from Service Works Group (SWG) kicked the session off by looking at what a CAFM system can do compared to Excel, including booking rooms and hot desks, identifying under performing assets, and allowing operatives to access jobs via their smartphones. However, along with a dazzling list of potential functionality came the warning to focus on the aspects of most importance to your own organisation, looking at where real benefits can be gained. Not only will this save time when comparing vendors, but in particular, careful consideration of organisational requirements will be key when drafting and looking for sign off of the business plan to secure funding. As Mike strongly emphasised, it is important to be clear about the costs from the outset. However, carefully considered benefits will bring savings to offset these costs and SWG has produced a ROI calculator and a business case template as part of its complimentary Software Advisory Pack to make these calculations easier. Request your complimentary copy here.

A highlight of the webinar was a case study from Edward Payne, Head of Operational Estates at the top performing NHS trust in the country. Luton and Dunstable Hospital NHS Trust is the only hospital that meets the A&E four hour waiting target, underpinned by an efficient FM team against a difficult background of an aging estate.

Payne explained: “It was very important to have an FM system to identify where our issues are and to help us plan how to meet these. The key for us was the system’s mapping of the hospital, displaying assets and equipment as well as planning PPM and reactive works. Mobile devices help manage operatives at remote sites and keep the workforce moving, and CAFM reporting to gives in-depth information to guide how we move on in the future.”

Viewers had the chance to put forward questions to the team, some of which were answered during the webinar, and a full list of questions and answers will be available on BIFM’s website shortly here.


FM Software Selection Webinar and Resources:

To arrange a demonstration of Service Works’ CAFM software, QFM, contact your local office by clicking here.