With an integrated payment mechanism (paymech) at its core, P3rform provides ultimate control and audit compliance, ensuring transparency and promoting a collaborative approach during the O&M phase of the project. It is proven to deliver significant long-term cost savings, influence best practice and strengthen client relationships in PPP projects.
As the world’s leading paymech software for PPP contracts, P3rform is relied upon by many of the world’s largest PPP stakeholders, to streamline service delivery, mitigate risk and ensure contract auditability in over 200 PPP projects globally.
The software is supported by a range of PPP consultancy services delivered by a specialist PPP team at Service Works; from bid support and due diligence through to contract mobilisation, which promotes a partnership approach, fosters transparency, in addition to creating a partnership of trust in PPP contracts.
P3rform is fully unique and tailored to meet the needs of all PPP stakeholders. Click on your role below to see the benefits of P3rform for operational PPP contract management.
“The only software solution capable of fully managing the risks inherent in PPP projects”
General Manager, Plenary Conventions

- Integrated payment mechanism aligns performance to unique contractual terms
- Live performance monitoring forewarns of potential service failures and mitigates penalty deductions
- Automates monthly PPP reporting, saving time and money
- Increases transparency between stakeholders and ensures full audit compliance
- Comprehensive range of consultancy services, from the bid stage through to mobilisation and go-live to derive maximise value from PPP contracts
- P3rform is fully unique and tailored to meet the needs of all PPP stakeholders.