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Using custom mobile forms and checklists in FM

“Facilities teams are falling behind on preventive maintenance, as shown by our data, and this could be the result of time spent searching for the information they need to perform their maintenance tasks. Using a weighted average, our findings show that on average, a member of a Facilities team will spend approximately forty-seven minutes per day searching for or waiting for building information each day.” – Information Management for Facilities and Operations eBook, 2017, The Association of Information and Image Management (AIIM).

The sharp increase in the use of mobile devices in FM is going a long way to improve this situation, allowing a continuous exchange of information between the helpdesk, operative and FM software system. Users can scan an asset’s barcode to view its maintenance history, access manuals, view and create jobs, and upload photographs of an asset’s condition for future reference.  With this increased flow of data, the use of forms and checklists are becoming increasingly popular as a way to ensure specific information is gathered or actions are taken.

Forms and checklists, such as Service Works’ Dynamic Forms tool, can be fully customised and set to show at any point during a job. For example, if an operative was required to attend an air conditioning unit on a roof, a ‘working at heights’ risk assessment must be read and completed through the CAFM app before work can begin. A second form could then capture inspection details through a series of questions that must be completed before the job can be signed off. This not only ensures the required information is gained to prevent the need for a return visit, but also saves the operative time as they can see instantly what is expected of them for each task.

Forms are also invaluable for capturing customer signoff and satisfaction levels, which can be difficult to capture after the event. By collecting this on the spot, in person, FM teams can gain a better array of valuable performance information upon which to base strategic decisions.

With information at an operative’s fingertips, nothing is left to chance or guesswork and productivity can be greatly improved.

For more information about SWG’s Dynamic Forms or QFM app, please contact us to arrange a demonstration.


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