We provide a broad range of training courses which enable users to gain a deeper understanding of our IWMS and P3 performance management software. Whether you require training for end-users or a technical system administrator, we can deliver a solution to meet your needs. Our training consultants have extensive hands-on experience and the requisite technical and communication skills to help your organisation optimize return on its software investment. All courses can be delivered at either your premises or at any of Service Works’ dedicated training facilities.
- Hands-on training exercises provide practical understanding of key areas
- Foundation, intermediate and advanced courses tailor training to users’ ability level
- Training can be delivered using your own (training) database, enabling delegates to learn applications using terminology that is familiar and relevant to them
- ‘Train the trainer’ service delivers an economical, flexible option for training a large number of personnel
- Online courses offer a cost-effective means of training remote or geographically diverse users
- Specialist courses include System Administrator and FM Help Desk Operator
- Training certification and full documentation provided for all courses
If you are an existing Service Works’ customer and wish to arrange training for your organization, please log into SWG’s client portal here and book a course.
Alternatively, please contact us at info@swg.com or on +1 905 332 2335