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Facility management and PPP news and events
The benefits of integrating IWMS with other organisational systems: A white paper
June 2024

Are You Buying Vapourware?

We discuss choosing reliable software to manage growing workloads & provide criteria to avoid vapourware- products with undeveloped features.

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SWG marks 30 years of cafm
April 2024

30 Years of FM and SWG

Celebrating our 30th birthday, we look back over the last three decades of our history and the evolution of the FM landscape.

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software hardhat ppms
April 2023

5 Ways IWMS Can Improve Your PPMs

IWMS technology can improve PPMs within the FM sector, with benefits such as ensuring compliance, reducing call-out frequencies and increased efficiency.

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The operational stage of P3s - white paper by Service Works Global
February 2023

The Inside Track – PPP Contracts

In this blog, our general manager for SWG in North America, Kelly Widger, talks about her experience of working with public-private partnership (PPP) contracts over the last ten years....

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January 2023

A Quick Guide to PPPs

In this helpful guide we’ll explain what PPPs are, the types of contracts, and the benefits of using software to manage the intricacies.

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What is CAFM Software | Service Works Global
October 2022

What is CAFM Software?

In this back to basics guide we’ll explain what the acronym stands for, what CAFM is used for, and the benefits to the FM team and wider organisation.

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Optimising office and workspace with CAFM
August 2022

Creating Smarter Spaces

Whether your workspace is expanding or decreasing, decisions around change must be based on hard data. Read how companies are using space management software to assist.

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How does SFG20 help plan maintenance
January 2022

What Is SFG20?

SFG20 is recognized as the industry standard for building maintenance specifications, but how can you incorporate it into your our PPM schedules?

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BIM, golden thread and fire safety
November 2020

BIM and the Golden Thread

What is the golden thread and how can it improve building safety? We look at how BIM is involved in the process, and the viability of BIM adoption in...

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Different models of PPP contracts
September 2020

Types of P3 Contracts

Outlining the different types of public-private partnership contracts, otherwise known as P3s or PFIs.

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A university challenge - how FM is improving education
June 2019

A University Challenge

There’s never been a tougher time to run a modern university. This week's blog looks at the challenges education facilities face and how they are being overcome.

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October 2018

Checking Out the Workplace

The importance of first impressions cannot be underestimated and a reception is the window to a business. How can FM software help improve public spaces?

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How to automate FM through IWMS software - SWG blog
October 2018

FM Automation Made Simple

While there are many perceived barriers to the automation, it is within the reach of FMs and can provide significant organisational change.

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How the estates team help with enrolments
September 2018

The Unsung Heroes of Education

Lighting and green space are proven factors in motivation, leading to better academic performance. How can the hard work of the estates team be made easier?

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Using custom forms and checklists in FM
August 2018

FM on Top Form

How a simple form or checklist sent to an FM operative's mobile device can greatly improve accuracy and productivity across the team

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2018 - UK - FM Trends
August 2018

Top 5 FM Technology Trends 2018

We reveal the top five technology trends that FM professionals are preparing for this year and beyond, following our 2018 UK FM Software Survey with FMJ.

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Is technology worth the price? FM Software survey
July 2018

Is Budget Limiting Tech in FM?

While some early adopters are certainly reaping the benefits of sensors and robotics, there are hurdles to overcome before these become widespread.

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Fm software survey data management
June 2018

Pocket Technology Taking Hold in FM

FM Software Survey results show a significant increase in use of tech - demonstrating the industry’s requirement for accurate, understandable and secure data in order remain competitive and professional.

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UK User Group QFM IWMS software
March 2018

QFM User Group Summary

A look at the QFM User Group held in London last week, including guest client speakers from Luton & Dunstable NHS Trust and Anabas.

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How is the Living Wage affecting facilities management employees?
November 2017

Living Wage Week

The Living Wage provides fair pay for a fair day’s work, and is a voluntary rate higher than minimum wage. More employers are now signing up to this scheme...

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The art of customer satisfaction surveys CAFM software
October 2017

The Art of Customer Satisfaction

With the right technology in place, satisfaction can not only be gained but also measured and analysed in order to increase its occurrence in the future.

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Performance Based Contracts in FM and PPP
September 2017

Demystifying Performance Based Contracts

Put simply, performance based contracts provide incentives and disincentives to achieve desired outcomes or results from contractors, with the aim of reducing costs and improving service levels.

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Australia facilities management wearables, mobile, IoT
June 2017

Technology Trends in Australian FM

The facilities management sector in Australia is embracing the benefits of mobile technology to effectively manage FM operations, but wearables and IoT are less popular, research reveals.

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Enabling positive experiences world fm day 2017
May 2017

Enabling Positive Experiences

This year's World FM Day celebrates facilities management with the theme of 'enabling positive experiences', boosting the profession's status across the globe.

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Bim ready blog
May 2017

Are You BIM Ready?

BIM is becoming more widely used throughout the world and facilities management is reaping the benefits - although implementation hasn't been as easy as perceived.

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Asset Management Asset Lifecycle Costings
April 2017

Data Driven Asset Management

Facilities managers are becoming increasingly savvy in their asset management, turning to data and software to manage their buildings and equipment, our 2017 APAC FM Software Survey has found.

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What is faciliities management self-service?
March 2017

What is Self-Service?

Self-Service - how mobile devices, public computers and kiosks can be easily implemented for effective FM and improved customer experience.

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Digital Transformation in FM - Use of Tech in FM
February 2017

Digital Transformation in FM

Is technology just another fad, unlikely to deliver long term sustainable benefits? Samantha Fuller, General Manager of SWG Asia Pacific took to the stage to debate this question.

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New survey for Australia - how are FMs using technology
December 2016

Are You Being Heard?

The influx of new technology means FMs need, more than ever, to stay informed through research and peer-review.

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Managing a outside of a workplace using nanotechnology
November 2016

Managing the Workplace Inside and Out

Workplace is high on the facilities management agenda, but what about outside of the building? SWG looks at nanotechnology developments in building materials and battery life.

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Making space for productivity using CAFM software
October 2016

Making Space for Productivity

How to find 'hidden' space for office moves, flexible work areas or hot desks in order to improve productivity and reduce unnecessary occupancy costs.

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M Software Survey 2016 - Trends in CAFM and facilities management
July 2016

FM Software Trends 2016

In the last of three new reports looking at the facilities management industry, SWG reveals top FM software trends for 2016, including mobile and use of self-service technology.

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FM Software Survey: Technology Usage and Benefits by Service Works Group
July 2016

FM Technology Usage & Benefits

In the second of three reports researching the FM industry, Service Works investigates how CAFM software is used, its benefits and also compares usage of Excel and paper-based systems.

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FM Market Insight - FM Software Survey 2016
July 2016

FM Market Insight 2016

Following an industry-wide survey into how technology is affecting facilities management, SWG has released new research which investigates the position of the FM market in the UK and Ireland.

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Making Sense of CAFM - blog by Service Works
April 2016

Making Sense of CAFM

What is CAFM? Read on to see what CAFM software does, and how it can benefit the facilities management in your business.

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