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Service Works 2018 FM Software Survey Preview

This year’s UK FM Software Survey is well underway, launched last week in partnership with leading FM journal, FMJ. We’re asking industry professionals about their sector, their personal role and the part technology is playing in it, and also what they think is coming up on the horizon.

Research like this is essential to feed into an ever-growing picture of the industry, allowing organisations to benchmark their progress, identify and prepare for upcoming trends, and understand how changes are affecting the industry as a whole.

Our FM Software Survey 2018 has only been open for a week but responses have been rolling in to give an early indication of results, as outlined below. Does this match your own experience? There’s still time to add your views and make sure our results portray an accurate cross section of the industry.

Make sure your voice is heard, click here to begin.

Early findings of the survey suggest:

  • Auditability and compliance are a significant concern to respondents for the majority of whom, so far, are employed directly in house by their organisation
  • A greater percentage of respondents have experienced an increased FM budget rather than a budget cut
  • Of those using FM software, a small minority do not and are not planning to use mobile and tablet devices to manage jobs and operatives, despite the numerous reported benefits
  • Integration of FM software with other systems is important to respondents, with a high percentage leaving their current providers due to lack of this functionality.

Following the extensive news coverage in 2018 about IoT and robotics, it will be interesting to see what percentage of the industry are planning to, or are actually using these technologies. In the report produced at the end of the survey, Service Works will also look at previous FM surveys to compare progress and see whether trends of previous years took hold in the industry this year.

As a thank you, participants can enter a prize draw, with one lucky winner picked at random to receive £300 of shopping vouchers, and two runner up prizes of £100 each. All entrants will also receive a complimentary copy of the research upon publication. Click here to start the survey.


For more information about how Service Works FM software, QFM, can meet any of the challenges mentioned, please contact your local office or request a demonstration.

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