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FM professionals are not only responsible for the day-to-day operations of buildings and estates but also for ensuring this is carried out in a sustainable, efficient and cost-effective manner amidst a constantly evolving technological landscape.

This blog will consider steps FMs can take to tackle the following challenges:

  • Reducing cost expenditure
  • Keeping up with the latest technologies
  • Running estates sustainably
  • Staying compliant

Reducing Cost Expenditure

Maintaining high-quality service delivery and a balanced budget is key for businesses in today’s financial climate.

An effective planned preventative maintenance (PPM) regime using automated maintenance schedules can reduce asset downtime, breakdowns, and expensive replacements. It provides valuable insights into equipment performance, predicts asset failure, and schedules maintenance at convenient times, causing minimal disruption to business operations.

Accurate and real-time space information is crucial for FM’s to make efficient and cost-effective use of buildings. Real-time monitoring of building conditions, such as temperature, humidity, and occupancy, can help identify areas that require heating, cooling, or lighting and thus reduce energy costs.

Keeping up with the Latest Technologies

The facilities management industry is constantly evolving, making it challenging to keep up with the latest technology.

Every industry or business has its own unique characteristics, which means that not all technological advancements are suitable for every building. That’s why it’s important to start by providing regular training to your staff, joining professional FM networks, and attending webinars to encourage thought leadership and innovation. This will help FMs gain and maintain industry knowledge, making it easier to identify which technological advancements are relevant to their industry.

Accurate data reporting and analysis play a crucial role in identifying operational performance within a building. By embracing emerging smart building technologies such as sensors and IoT, FMs can build a more accurate picture of their asset performance. Real-time reporting, based on performance metrics, provides information to make informed business decisions, for example, if certain areas of a building have higher occupancy or footfall, cleaning and maintenance schedules can be updated in line with usage. By utilizing these tools, businesses can make better predictions and plan for future endeavors with greater precision.

Additionally, investing in flexible and modular IWMS software such as QFM, that can integrate seamlessly with different technologies is imperative to avoid unnecessary future costs. FMs can trust that the tool they’re using for day-to-day estate management is future-proofed and flexible.

Ensuring Estates are Managed/Running Sustainability

Sustainability and environmental considerations should always be a top priority for businesses. With the UK aiming for a net-zero economy by 2050, how can the FM industry make a difference?

According to the IWFM 2022 Sustainability Survey, 63% of FMs cited the high up-front costs of installing technology as the biggest barrier to setting targets or reducing emissions. However, the movement towards sustainability should not be seen as an expensive overhaul of the status quo.

Firstly, an energy audit identifies inefficiencies and waste to reduce energy consumption, significantly lowering costs and carbon emissions. Simple adjustments such as upgrading to more efficient HVAC systems and switching to LED lighting may have a small upfront cost, but their long-term cost-cutting benefits make them a shrewd investment. To streamline your business operations and reduce the need for on-site assessments, Building Lifecycle Management software can automate the process of identifying components that need replacement. This process is not limited to new buildings; existing buildings can also be digitized, which is crucial since 80 percent of the buildings that will be standing in 2050 have already been constructed.

Staying Compliant

Meeting compliance standards, especially in the healthcare and education sectors, can be challenging.

Creating a risk management plan that covers all potential hazards and ensures contractors are skilled and licenzed is an essential practice for facility managers. Automating this process with an end-to-end solution alleviates any fears of failing compliance. As well as this, integration with SFG20, the leading industry standard that covers over 1,200 industry standard maintenance regimes and over 70 equipment types, ensures best practice. This, along with correct permit approval workflows and robust auditing practices, ensures FMs are not caught off guard when it comes to staying compliant.

Many of the challenges that FMs face are interlinked and can be solved concurrently. The technological advancements in our industry, such as the use of sensors and IoT, have a positive impact on sustainability and can lead to long-term cost savings. In addition, ensuring compliance is met will also avoid unwanted fines and liabilities. When technology is utilized effectively not only can these challenges be faced and overcome but significant efficiencies can be realized every day.

For more information, or to speak to Service Works Global about how QFM can help with challenges within your company, please contact us here.

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