In December, Service Works and Australia’s leading independent industry magazine, Facility Management Magazine, launched the FM Software Survey – Australia, New Zealand and Asia. FMs gave us their views in their hundreds, and analysis is being conducted. Some trends are already emerging in advance of our full report, which we’d like to share with our blog readers before the full release next week.
Research such as this is vital to the industry as it provides a benchmark for organisations to measure themselves against, as well as revealing upcoming trends by combining the insight of those who work directly in the field. Smaller-scale surveys have been conducted across the Asia-Pacific region recently, but our last large-scale research was the Facilities Management Software Survey in 2012. Given the rapid growth the industry in the region has experienced, it is proving very interesting to see how attitudes and practices have changed during this period.
If you would like to receive a copy of the research as soon it becomes available, please click here.
Use of facilities management software
In 2012 the use of facilities management software was still in its infancy. Just over half of the survey respondents had purchased their system less than five years ago and for many (41%) it was the first such software application their organisation had purchased. A preliminary look at the results from December’s survey show that 68% of FM professionals are using software from a key industry provider, highlighting the popularity and trust placed in such systems.
The impact of mobile
In the UK, one of the key findings in 2016 was the importance of mobile, revealing that usage of mobile and tablet devices to manage FM had increased by almost a third in just one year. In 2012 mobile technology was not yet on the horizon across APAC, but increases in functionality, reductions in handset prices and the developments in compatibility of facilities management software on internet-enabled devices have now resulted in widespread adoption.
Attitudes towards BIM
The Australian market was very advanced in its identification of the importance of BIM (Building Information Modelling) in 2012, with 12% of FM software users already integrating with BIM software. BIM is now a mandatory process in the UK for all public sector projects, and private sector companies are reporting great benefits due to depth of information available providing building accuracy and costs savings at both construction and maintenance level. This year, respondents in Australia identified BIM as one of the top three technology trends for the FM sector, suggesting that if BIM becomes mandatory, FMs will be ready to take advantage of the benefits.
If you would like to receive a copy of the research as soon it becomes available, please click here.
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